I teach guitar at a school in Wellingotn and one of the guitar lesson pupils is a spirit kid. His parents let him go to bed when ever he wants, his focus in class is challenging and he is not the best behaved. He loves his music lessons though and his teacher has told me on a number of occasions that his guitar lessons really help him to focus. Music is the one thing he has to give him an identity. He is a fun kid with a great sense of humor. He has been challenging during the music lessons over the years but sticking with him has paid off. He is a great little song writer now, much more prolific than his pears. It is temping as a teacher sometimes to give up on pupils who aren’t the easiest to teach but you have to rise above those feeling and get on with the job, the rewards for both pupil and teacher are more than worth it.
For more information or to book a lesson please contact us today.